Guns N' Roses India Tour Details
The legendary rock band Guns N' Roses is finally going to perform in India this December. Guns N' Roses will be performing at Banglore on 7th December, Mumbai on 9th December and at Gurgaon on 12th December.
Few of the highlighted things of the Guns N' Roses India tour are -
- Guns N' Roses is giving an unprecedented 3 hour concert .
- Axl is making an exception for India to start the gigs earlier than his usual start time of 10 pm. This is so that the band can play a full 3 hour set and not be curtailed due to concert curfew times.
- There are three types of tickets : Silver, Gold and Platinum which you can buy from the KyaZoonga.
- The platinum VIP lounge is specially built up at each concert to the same height of the stage and includes an air-conditioned hall elevated to the height of the stage with free-flowing cocktails and food
- Expecting 25,000 - 40,000 people per venue so it will probably the biggest rock tour ever in India.
To get all the updates about the Guns N Roses India tour, you can check the official GNR India Tour Facebook Page or follow the @GNRIndia on Twitter. You can also use the #GNRIndia in your tweets to share your tweets and to communicate with other Guns N' Roses fans.
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