Osman Khan recently released the video of the song Mujh Mein Hai Aag which we have shared with you all. And here is a latest interview of Osman Khan in which talks about his latest song, the theme behind it and much more. Have a look

1- What would u say is the theme of your songs?
My Theme basically is reflecting realities of life, some relationships and their bitter truths and youth appealing, rebellious basically you can say that.
2- What message do you intend to portray to your audience through your song?
A message of Peace and reality, time for youth to do something in hour of need, stop everything that is harming my Country internally and externally and tell this world that I do exist!
3- What do you keep in mind while writing a song?
Usually it's the exact thing/feeling that happened or is inside me, and i write it and express through my music, it connects! Trust me on that!
4- Does the socio-political condition of the Play a role in your songs?
Country currently is in need of those who can speak the truth, I am one of them. my songs have a definite element of this and a message for our youth to do something rather than wasting time and money, it's a storm withing and it's about standing against the odds and telling this world that as a nation we are one and no one can separate us.
5- How are social issues involved in your songs?
As i see around in our society, country and it's conditions, suicide attacks, bombings, NATO killing our Armymen and incidents that are now part of daily life and i see no one shouting or speaking or yelling at them or even cursing them. turning on the TV i see news channels selling their bullshit, and music channels are busy in selling Mountain Dew, but those who died and dying everyday..what about them? who will answer? corrupt politicians, PM, so called Ministers etc are always coming up in front of 100 channel's mics and saying sorry easily...who will give answer to the masses? no one, they will burn and then it will be a perfect balance!
6- To what language do you think the audience respond to ? English or urdu?
Music has no language. It's a feeling which i transfer from deep inside me to the masses. English or urdu doesn't matter. It's just the music which connects!
7- In your opinion,to what extent do your songs,or any songs,affect the society?
You can't measure or give a proper guess about it, it clicks and a part from that one big reason of me doing music was that i just try to express myself in such a way that people start relating themselves to me, my music!
8- If u were asked to write a song based on fa history of Pakistan,what event,occasion or incident would you choose for your song?
I have already made a track [Mera watan Pakistan] from the Album [Rock A Nation] Yeah i am making some more, I will be looking forward to make Quaid ka Pakistan out of country's history and relate it to current political conditions and trust me on that, lyrical content will be strong as always.
10- Did your parents supported in your singing dream?
Well, it was a fantasy for me which ultimately has turned out to be a biggest reality of my life, i am the only son of my parents. Mom always do support!
11- What are your plans for 2012?
2012 for me is biggest year of my life, loads of international tours are lined up and my album release along with 2 official music videos too. so looking forward to that plus i am negotiating with UK's record company's and also US and Indian music companies. more work , better me!
12- What's your fav musical instrument?
I Love everything that creates a sound. still Guitar is my favorite Instrument and i am married to it!
13- Who is your inspiration?
As far as music inspiration is concerned, Sir Kurt Donald Cobain from Nirvana!
14- Any message for your fans?
Yeah always, thanks a lot for your support and feedback. Mujh Mein Hai AAG is releasing worldwide in end of Dec so stay up for it and follow me on twitter and subscribe on my facebook page too. More music is coming up so i want my people all together so that we can raise our voice so high that the other part of world could hear us!
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