8 X 10 Tasveer is a Bollywood film thriller released April 3, 2009, and starring Akshay Kumar and Ayesha Takia. It is directed by Nagesh Kukunour, and produced by Percept Picture Company. The film features Sharmila Tagore, Javed Jaffrey, Anant Mahadevan, Girish Karnad, Benjamin Gilani, Rushad Rana, Andrea Tully, and Pia Shah in supporting roles. The film's music is composed by Salim-Sulaiman with a title track by Bohemia.
To download the songs of 8 X 10 Tasveer , 'RIGHT CLICK' and 'SAVE TARGET AS' on the given link below. To listen the song, click on the blue PLAY button.
Aaja Maahi
Aaja Maahi (Remix)
Haafiz Khuda
Haafiz Khuda (Remix)
I Got The Picture
I Got The Picture (Remix)
Kuchh Is Tarah
Kuchh Is Tarah (Remix)
Nazaara Hai
Nazaara Hai (Remix)